I Believe in

Mental Health

Mental health has a greater impact on
• Educational out come
• Productivity at work
• Development of Positive personal relationships
• Crime rate
• Alcohol & drug abuse
Why is mental health important?
With more than 450 million people suffer from mental disorders. According to WHO, by the year 2020, depression will constitute the second largest disease burden worldwide. There has been increased Global burden of mental health will be well beyond the treatment capacities of developed and developing countries. With The social and economic costs associated with growing burden of mental ill health focused the possibilities for promoting mental health as well as preventing and treating mental illness. Thus there has been proved that Mental Health is linked to behaviour and seen as fundamental to physical health and quality of life.
Physical health and mental health are relatively associated and it has been proved beyond doubt that depression leads to heart and vascular diseases
Mental disorders also affect human health behaviour like eating sensibly, regular exercise, adequate sleep, engaging in safe sexual practices, alcohol and tobacco use, as well as to medical therapies thus increasing the risk of physical illness.
Mental health disorders also leads to social problems like unemployment, broken families, poverty, drug abuse and such related crime with them.
Without a doubt, Poor mental health plays a highly significant role in diminished immune functioning.
There has been ways to reduce stress and help in ways, Stigma affects not only the number seeking treatment, but also there has been number of resources available for proper and actual treatment. Stigma and misinformation can feel like and lead to overwhelming obstacles for someone who is struggling with a mental health condition. Here a some of the very powerful things you can do to help:
Showcasing the individuals respect as well as acceptance removes or eradicates a remarkable barrier to successfully manage with their illness. Having company with themselves and people as well as the community see you as an individual and not as your illness can make the biggest or a huge difference for someone who had been struggling with their mental health issues.
Prescribed or recommended within our circles of influence helps one to ensure these individuals have the same or equal rights and opportunities as other members of your church, school as well as community and the idea of learning more about mental health allowing us to provide useful support and keep up to those affected in our friends, families and communities.
Hardeep Grewal believes that physical fitness however helps our bodies to stay strong and fit but more importantly
mental fitness helps us to achieve and comfort or sustain a state of good mental health. When an individual is mentally healthy, he/she enjoy surrounded life and environment, as well as the people in it. One can be creative, experience, learn, explore new things, as well as take risks.
Nurturing and looking after our mental health can also help us to combat or to prevent the mental health issues which are sometimes associated with a severe chronic physical illness. However in some cases, it can also prevent the onset or setback of a physical problem or mental illness. One should be an Incharge of their stress well, for example, can have a positive impact on heart disease.